There is no one more FUN or more skilled when it comes to content strategy, planning and writing than my friend Karine Bengualid of Brought to You  By The Letter K! (even her business name is fun.)

Boring marketing doesn’t attract attention
Boring marketing doesn’t go viral
Boring marketing doesn’t turn your ideal customers into raving fans
Boring marketing is … boring

Don’t lose business to competitors that, on the surface, appear to be more innovative, you know you’ve got to switch it up.

Karine, since I’ve known here, is all about making marketing FUNNER. About switching it up and doing more of what works for you…and less of what doesn’t.

Today, she’s giving us all a lesson in making content marketing more funner.

After working with brands like Rakuten, Shopify,  The Toronto Maple Leafs, The Toronto Raptors, Thinx, Silversea, Whistler Blackcomb, Mediaplanet, and Media Bistro to name a few…she knows a thing or two about making content marketing work for your business.

Grab your chair and pull it up to the kitchen table with us…and enjoy the show!

Show notes

Brought to You By The Letter K

P is for Planner

Brought to You By The Letter K – Facebook

Brought to You By The Letter K – Twitter

Brought to You By The Letter K – Instagram

Brought to You By The Letter K – Linkedin

Angela’s daily FB lives

Sandra Boynton


Transcript (unedited)


Hey there, Corinne, welcome to two hands made this.



Thanks, Christine, happy to be here.



I’m excited, and I’m so excited to talk with you. So we can talk to our makers about content, content planning, marketing, and having fun with your content, all that good stuff that you do rolled into one. Hey, yay. So, um, you know, because with when we’re doing the makers, you know, we talk about, you know, how they got started, you know, what were their ugly cries of their failed campaigns, and what were those sweet successes. But as an expert, we do things, you know, we talk about things a little bit differently. So what I want people to know, too well, as we start out is what really your marketer, we know that you’ve been doing this for a long time, but what got you, like started are interested in the kind of niche that you’re in that that service, that expertise that you do now, because you do it, so Well,



thank you, um, to be quite honest, I kind of fell into it. So it’s not something that I deliberately set out to be a content marketer, I started my almost 20 year career as a, you know, in house marketer, a generalist. And when I started freelancing, content writing was what just would come to me. What would I, you know, I would just find content writing jobs, and I did them and enjoyed them. And by the time I, you know, took took a look at my business, it was a little too late. Did to change my mind. So, I didn’t set out to be a content marketer, but I love it. And



yeah, and you really started before this whole idea of content marketing became, I don’t wanna say popular, but became more well known as a tool for marketing.



Yeah, I guess. So. To be honest, I don’t even know when it really became popular. But as of today, February, something 2021. I’ve been freelancing for five and a half years. So yeah, I don’t I don’t know.



Yeah. And you’ve been writing content for I mean, and when we think about it, you know, I look back on all those Oh, my God, all those years, all those decades? I mean, we’ve always written some kind of content, right. It’s whether it’s an article or, or whatnot. But since the the rise of the Internet and the rise of businesses, you know, taking your business online, and especially in our case, taking product businesses online. I mean, we had to, we had to really start thinking of doing things differently. And I think that’s how content content marketing became a thing, because how are we going to get well known, you know, we’re not doing as many catalogs we’re not doing writing articles. We’re not in, you know, newspaper ads, we’re not doing radio spots, we’re not, you know, so content just kind of took a shift.



Yeah, for sure. And right,



I think,



you know, people with the internet and social media, people are less interested in being sold to, hmm, so the idea of content marketing is more inbound marketing, which means, you know, having people come to you because they’re looking for information, they’re looking for education. They’re they’re looking to learn from you as the expert in whatever field you’re in. And so the idea is that eventually by, you know, sharing information by sharing, education, and all of your knowledge, you’re you’re building that know, like, and trust factor, and that’s what’s eventually going to turn them in to customers and loyal customers at that. Right, definitely. And



so can you do me a favor as we’re, as we’re talking about this, because I’m actually taking more notes, and things I want to talk about. But let’s talk quickly about just so people really get an understanding. As I’m doing this podcast, as I’ve been working with product brands, I’m really noticing that there’s a gap. And there’s a gap for people trying, you know, trying to find this information and googling it and not finding it and then also trying to learn the terms and the terminology. So can you just talked briefly about what that term inbound marketing is? And like, why are we using content and why are we using, you know, why is it more of an inbound thing? Because these product people makers don’t want to be salesy. They don’t want to push the sale. they they they want that so let’s call



them they’re making no inbound marketing, as opposed to outbound marketing. I guess you can think of it as telemarketing. Right. So telemarketing is like outbound marketing, you’re picking up the phone and you’re calling somebody. And you’re saying, Hey,






you heard about, you know, the latest Verizon telephone offer. And you’re like, Listen, I’m having dinner with my family eff off. I’m not interested,



you know,



all I gotta do when I’m ready



to telemarketer when I first got out of college, so I get it.



I did that in high school as well. So no judgments, we all make money, the way we make money. And we all make mistakes. We’ve all got to fall before we can walk. But so as opposed to inbound marketing, which is when you’re like, Hey, what are the best cell phone providers in America. And so you go on the Googles, and you type in, you know, cell phone providers in the US, and you look into, you know, what the different rates are, and what the different phone plans are, and you know, what they offer and all of that kind of stuff. And so, you’re yourself actively looking for the information, and you’re looking to these websites to provide this information for you without saying, You’re not getting this information unless you buy something. So that’s the difference. Does that make sense? Yeah. No bound. So.



Yeah, right. Right. And, and, you know, again, makers, they don’t want to, you know, they don’t want to push the sale, they don’t want to sound salesy, they don’t want to be that, you know, that, hey, come buy my stuff. And so that’s why this is so important, because this is really, you know, when we when we talk about content marketing, we’re really talking about, like you said, giving information, educating, building a community, you know, giving people what they need and bringing them into you rather than I don’t know, pushing them in, you know? Exactly. And yeah, being the Cologne saleswoman at the counter and spritzing people before they even want a spritz. That would be outbound marketing. Yes.



As opposed to me who is like, Oh, crap, I forgot to put on my perfume. And I sneak in and I like, grab it. And, you know,



that’s inbound marketing.



Yeah. Because what I want, so I’m going directly for it.



Right, exactly. So that’s such a good point. All right. So now what we’re talking about that and we’re talking about the difference between inbound and outbound, let’s kind of get into what I have. I have some definite structure to this. And I have some other questions I want to, I want to ask you as far as like issues and problems brands have, and then the processes and whatnot. But first, let’s really talk about what content is because content is more than just a blog post. Yes. A lot of times people think, Oh, I gotta write a blog. I mean, and that’s great. Yes, you do. But there’s so much more to content. And I don’t want to overwhelm people, because makers, I mean, their day is filled with not only, you know, making product, but shipping and all this other stuff. So, you know, they have to be able to fit this in. So I don’t want to scare people away. And I want them to understand that this is a long haul thing. This is not a quick, you know, you know, do it, do it next week. And by the week after you’ll make a million dollars, this is really growing and building your brand and really making a name for yourself.



Yes. So I love that you brought up the different types of content, Christine, because that’s a one of my little pet peeves is that, like you said, Everybody assumes that content equals blogs, which is 100% does, but it’s not the only type of content. And so other types of content that your listeners are probably familiar with our videos, our social media posts, our newsletters, our you know, all of those things, and much more are different types of content. And so my advice, because content, like you said, it is a long game, you’re not going to post one video, you’re not going to post one blog, you’re not going to post one thing on Instagram and suddenly make you know your million dollars. It’s a very, very, very long game because like I said, you need to build that know like and trust factor with your audience before they become loyal customers. And so what I always tell my smaller clients, my smaller business clients, is find the type of content that you love to create, whether it’s writing a blog, whether it’s creating a video, whether it’s just being on Instagram, and taking photos, or videos, or doing lives, whatever the type of content is that really fuels you. pick that one type of content and go gangbusters on it Because what ends up happening is because it’s a long game, you need to do it all the time. And by all the time, I don’t mean like five times a day, every day for the rest of your life, I just mean, you need to consistently be creating content and putting it out there so that people can get used to you creating content. And eventually, you know, it’ll turn out results. But because you wear all those hats, because you’re making your product, because you’re running your business, because you’re fulfilling your sales, because you’re doing the accounting and the bookkeeping and everything else that a business owner has to do. You don’t want to be stuck doing something that you’re like, I hate this. So pick what you love, and just stick with that. ignore everything else, like don’t do something because everybody told you you need a blog, don’t write a blog. If you know you prefer to just do lives on Instagram, do lives on Instagram. And that’s honestly that’s the trick. Because if you don’t love doing it, you’re gonna give up eventually, you might be great for a month for two months, but eventually you’re going to give up and then you’re just going to be doing yourself and your audience a disservice.



I’m glad you brought it up that way too. Because that kind of leads me into Oh, you know, yes, the consistency doing what you love. But you know, you see young people come to you because they’ve hit this wall, you know, these big issues, these problems that they’re facing. So what are some of these what you know, again, you talked about picking something you love, so you can stay consistent? Because otherwise you’re gonna burn out and be like, Okay, I’m not doing this anymore. So what are some of those? Really those those issues? And those problems that brands have that you can help them over? Come?



I’m ugly cries?



Yeah, I mean, when the ugly cries in terms of content, specifically, there’s different ones. So there’s either the what type of content, and really, the advice that I’ll give them, is what I literally just said is, you know, pick whatever you are comfortable doing on a regular basis, and what you enjoy doing on a regular basis, because you’re going to be doing a



lot of it.



The other piece of advice, the other question that I get is, what do I create content about? We’ll just don’t know. So it’s about figuring that out. And the other part is the strategy. And specifically within the strategy. It’s the distribution. So again, you know, when it’s on social media, it’s an automatic distribution. But if you are creating a blog post, or you’re filming a video and putting it on YouTube, are you telling people about it?



And that’s like, one of the biggest problems, how can I do this? And nobody’s noticing me? Well, you know, it can’t just live there. Yeah. And you’re not telling anybody?



How many how many times have you like automatically and I’m gonna keep picking Verizon, because I just literally can’t think of another example. How many times have you just randomly gone on Bryson’s website and said, Gee, I wonder if they have a new blog post up? I’m never right, Lee, never Nobody does that.



Right. That’s so true, though. Company, let me pick you know,



let’s think about your favorite blog that you read religiously. You never say, Hmm, I wonder if they have a new blog out? Let me go on their website and check it out. No, you know that they have a new blog, because either they put a link up on social media and said, Hey, new blogs up, or they sent you a newsletter because you signed up for their newsletter and they said, hey, guess what new blogs up or new videos up? So distribution for God’s sakes, people to tell everyone



tell everyone and you made such a good point that not only you’re just distributing your content, but you mentioned newsletter. So let’s add a little something to that. Because when you have your content up, you need need need also, so you’re pushing it out, you’re pushing out to social media, people are recognizing you. Remember also to add your, you know, a way for them to get on your list. Yeah, if you have have your OPT on, you know, building your list is the biggest thing. And that’s why we use content because we’re bringing people to us, we’re getting them on our email list so that we can eventually sell to them and get them you know, in our tribe and in our community and blah, blah, blah. So I will add a caveat to that though.



And this is probably a very unpopular like those.



I apologize in Advanced?



No, it’s good. Um, this is real stuff,



don’t need a newsletter. If you’re on social media,



your audience



is on social media. No, but I’m just I’m just gonna put that out there. Because if you have, you know, 1000s of followers on social media 10s of 1000s, hundreds of 1000s or whatever, in theory, that can be your beacon to tell them. I mean, it doesn’t mean you don’t want an email list.



Right? What, Leah, let’s make sure that people understand what that means that, you know, you’re still you’re still creating an email list. Yes. Right. But you’re not you don’t necessarily have to crank out a newsletter on the daily or the weekly or whatever, as long as you’re producing content, and also bringing them into your list. Because eventually, you’re, you’re using your list to sell product, correct? Yes. So yeah, so that mean, you know, so people like, Oh, my God, now I gotta do a newsletter to



exactly and that’s that. But I’m like, No, you don’t have to do a newsletter. But and that’s assuming you have the social media presence to counteract that, like, the fenders of the world, technically, don’t need to send out a newsletter every week, because the people are following them on Instagram. And, you know, write me information from there. So I wanted to



write so for our makers out there that you know, our guys are doing Instagram lives, or Facebook Lives, and that’s their content they produce and whether you produce it weekly, or you produce it every single day, because I know, a lot of makers that do that every single day. I was gonna name drop, but I was gonna say it anyway. So like my friend, Angela, and Angela, I’m putting it I’m gonna put your link here also, so people can see what this what this looks like, Angela everyday gets on, she makes a soap. And then the next day, she cuts the soap. And she does it every single day. So you know, if you’re one of those people that are doing those kind of lives, right, that’s your content. And I still say Okay, you know what, you know, you’re here and whatnot. But you know, join my email list, because you’ll be the first to know when I have special offers and things like that.



So that’s what you do. So that’s the email, but that’s different than the newsletter, right? Exactly what I just wanted to say



yes, and so that’s why we’re clearing this up. And that so it doesn’t mean you have to go out again, like oh, my God, I gotta write a newsletter too. Well, if you’re producing enough content, you don’t need need need to because you’re already giving them information and showing them what you would in a newsletter, you’re already doing it in your, in your, in your content, whether it’s a YouTube video, or your socials or whatever. So just, you know, what we want to make that really clear, because, again, but you’re using it to build your audience. So, you know, I think people probably, oh, my God, thank God, you don’t have to have a newsletter. But, you know, again, it’s just another, you know, think of the way you want to produce your content, because a newsletter is just another kind of a piece of content.



Exactly. And it takes work to, you know, maintain it, and to send it out and blah, blah, blah. So,



yeah, and again, you know, that can be your second kind of content, you know, that’s Corinne was saying, you know, you’re choosing one to start with, you know, choose just the one thing and only do it, you know, then if you decide, well, hey, you know, I think I want to add a newsletter, then that’s your second, it’s, you know, and that’s what we mean by content and creating content that way, because, again, don’t overwhelm yourself, right? Because you’ve got so many other things to do that,



you know, if you just feel overwhelmed by the content, the reality is, you’re, you’re not gonna continue doing it. Because, again, because it’s a long game, you’re not going to see immediate results, and you’re gonna get discouraged. You’re gonna be like, EFF it. I don’t need to do this. I’m not doing it.



Yeah, yep. And so let’s talk about that a little bit too, because we want people to feel those wins. Yes, right. So like, All right, let’s try a couple things. I’m looking at my notes because we as we said before this we wanted to make sure that you know, we do talk about you know, the negatives explained, right? And then how do they fit this kind of thing into their marketing, marketing schedule their day, because again, we want this to be real for you guys. We want it to be actionable, want it to be real? After we talk about this, I have a little something that Korean is going to talk about I have in my hot little hands called P is for planner. And which will be in the show notes. You know, Korean talks about how to find content and produce content and stay on a schedule. But let’s talk about that. Let’s talk about those negatives explained. explain those negatives.



So I think the biggest one is that is to understand that Content Marketing is, is, we’ve said this several times already, but it, it’s not an immediate win. And it’s gonna take you a while before you start seeing the results. So it’s so easy to get discouraged by the lack of results that you see from your content. So it’s not to say, you know that you’re not gonna, somebody’s not gonna love your video, and it’s not going to suddenly go viral. But if you’re going in with those expectations, you’re going to be sorely disappointed.



Well, that’s it. And I think, too many things out there in the interwebs are saying, if you do these things, you know, within 30 days, you’re gonna get this big result. But you know, we want to be real here, we want to be, you know, the behind the scenes, you know, this is what it really looks like. Yeah. And we have to work at it. Right. But whatever we do, we have to work that I mean, that’s, you know, but,



you know, HubSpot had a statistics statistic up about content marketing, and it was something, I forget the number, I’ll get you the number, so you can put it in the show notes to clarify, but it was something like, you know, companies, b2b companies that have 1610, to 16 posts a month, see, like, an exponential amount of results, compared to less than 10 posts a month. And you know, statistics like that are discouraging, because small businesses can’t create that much content, in addition to, you know, doing all of the other things. Whereas larger companies have internal marketing teams that can be responsible for just that. And so, it’s so easy to be discouraged by numbers like that and be like, well, I can’t produce that, like, what am I going to do? And so that’s why I tell smaller businesses, makers, sole proprietors, entrepreneurs, if you’re doing it, pick something that you love to do, because it’s gonna take you months, if not years to start seeing the fruits of your labor in terms of the content. But once you do, like, it’s gonna be amazing.



It’s Yes, exactly the



gym, right? Like, Oh, good point. Yep, like going to the gym. So you know, you can, you can go to the gym for 20 minutes every week. And, you know, within a year, you’ll have lost some weight, but it’s not the same as a gastric bypass. You know, if gastric bypass is what you want, then you need to focus on sales and copywriting.



Right, but I have a team to help you with that. gastric bypass by yourself, you



cannot, it is highly not recommend gastric bypass by yourself. But



it’s bypass. But it’s Hey,



but doesn’t mean that you can’t get the same or similar results with walking on the treadmill, 20 minutes a day, two to three times a week, it’s just going to take you a whole heck of a lot longer to get there. But you’re still going to lose the weight. So just think of content like that.



Yeah, yep. That’s, that’s good. Yes. Because again, it is, you know, what is your long game? So let’s talk about the process that you work with people for planning, because it’s, it’s the planning around that that really gives them that, that they can see that sweet success and experience those. Oh my God, this actually worked for me.



Yeah, so um, the planning is really around understanding what content your audience needs, and what it is that they are looking for. So it completely depends on the type of product you make and sell. So again, the type of information that a Verizon offers its customers will be different than what a soap maker offers her customers. Or, you know, what a dressmaker offers her customers? Yeah. Um, so it’s understanding what your customer needs are. It’s understanding the type of content that they want to digest. Is it a video? Is it reading a blog? Is it you know, seeing pretty pictures on social media, right? And again, does that align with what is easy for you, and what gets you excited in terms of creating content



Right, so I’m going to use my friend Angela again. So Angela, you’re getting a couple of plugs here. But you know, it’s really cool. What Angela is doing is just because I watch her all the time. So, you know, every day at four o’clock, she does her live, she makes a soap, and she does it. It’s no longer than a half an hour, you know, she shows people how, you know what, what goes into her process? You know, so even you know, it’s took Angela 15 minutes, maybe half an hour. So maybe if that’s your thing, you know, it beats trying to spend two or three hours trying to write a blog post, if you’re not a fast writer, right? So, right. So think about the time you have, right in your day, what does that look like? What does your schedule look like? And when can you fit that in? You know, so,



and it’s it’s also about, you know, sometimes just batching the content. So if you’re doing a live, obviously, you can’t batch because it’s live. But you know, if social media is what you’re choosing to do, then you know, you can pre schedule all of your posts, as long as you’re there to like, respond and interact with your audience who likes and comments and stuff like that, right? If you’re writing a blog post, or filming a video, you know, maybe you’re setting a day aside every month or a weekend every month, to create all of that content, and then you can drip it out every week, or whatever the case may be. But it’s just about the planning phase is just about, you know, understanding your audience and understanding you and your business and what works best. And coming up with a plan to be able to execute that. So that it’s, it’s, it’s inevitably a Make Work Project. But at least it’s one that you look forward to.



You look forward to it, yeah, and you’re planning it, but as part of your day, just like you would do production, just like you would do shipping, you know, all that it becomes part of your day. And I think that’s a critical piece that people don’t do. It’s kind of like that last minute thought, Oh, crap, I got to get out, you know, I got to get on, you know, Instagram post.



Yeah. You know, what you’re right about?



All right, right, exactly.



What am I going to use or



so that’s another good piece to this whole process. And I’ve told people this too, is you know, you know, create, either you’ll look at, and I think it’s easier to create by quarter with sometimes with, with, with product makers, you know, when we’re really talking about e commerce and retail, we do kind of have to look out over the year because the way selling cycles go right, but the way certain holidays are the way you have to, you know, start setting up in July for you know, for the for the for the winter, holidays, Christmas, Hanukkah, you know, and all those things. But so, what’s the what way? Have you found the best for people to again, like, come up with content? Like, do you theme it? Do you have special things you’d like to write about? You know, what are some some of those tips that you can give people.



Um, so again, it varies by person, it varies by customer varies by industry, all of those kinds of things. I work a lot with b2b customers, so businesses that sell to other businesses, and the process for them is very different. And but when it comes to smaller businesses, what I what I think is really fun is to definitely theme your months if you can, because then it just kind of has like a unified



theme that



yes, I am a writer. I just don’t have very many words. Um, it just helps you come up with, you know, it’s not only the theming isn’t just great for your content, but it can help you with your promotions, it can help you. If social media isn’t your content, then it can help you with social media, like the look and feel of your posts and stuff like that. So for instance, February, you know, February is love in Canada, we have family day in February, and you know, so it’s, it’s all about love, it’s all about family, it’s all about, you know, being together and stuff like that. And so, you know, it’s just a natural thing that February is about that.



So you just said three things. I just want to pull this out. So if you guys are listening to this Karena said it’s about love. It’s about family, it’s about being together. There are three pieces of content under the theme of Valentine’s or February that like right there there’s your content, right? You can talk about, you know the history of love or you know, how did the art of the word love come about or family? What what what can you do you know, you know, what does fit mean, you know, family means different things to different people, it could be brother, sister, mother, father, it could be an uncle, grandparents best friend, you know, you could do that and then togetherness, maybe it could be fun activities that keep you together, you know, so. So that’s what what Corinne is talking about, as far as you know, theming and coming up with content. And once you start thinking about that way, right doesn’t, it just feels so much easier.



It does. And it just, you know, it kind of sets the tone for the month too. And it just helps you be a little bit more creative with, you know, what you do for the month. Like I said, like, if you want to do like a Valentine’s Day promotion, like, this cookie company in Canada, did a, you know, special Valentine’s promotion 14% off? You know, it’s a little nose. But yeah, right. Like, if you don’t have to, like reinvent the wheel to do stuff, but you know, taking what’s already out there. The other the other thing that I’d love to do is use and again, I will add an asterisk, and preface this by saying if this works with your business, because they don’t work with every business.



But that’s a good point testing, see if it works.



So if it works with your business using fun holidays, and jumping on those bandwagons like you know, Pi Day, which is Hi. Hi.



Hi. Yes, it’s 14.140 my



god, why did I say oh my god, anyway, we get it. Right? You’re gonna edit that part out? No, not. But anyway, like, Talk Like a Pirate Day or, you know, muffin day or you know, chocolate or vanilla day or you there are,



there’s so many



hundreds of ridiculously silly holidays that, you know, the internet goes crazy for us. So if it makes sense with your business, jump on the bandwagon and join the conversation and do something with that.



Then Yep. And you put your own spin on it. Right.



put your own spin on it.



I absolutely love Sandra Boynton. I’ve been I’ve been looking at her her cartoon her cartoons are for since I was a kid. I don’t think they’ve been around that long. That long time. But you know, like the other day was it yesterday day before was what was Groundhog Day, Tuesday, Wednesday, Wednesday, Thursday, whatever day it was. So Groundhog Day. It’s so it was just so cute. Because it’s just got it’s Groundhog Day. And then the day after, it’s like it’s Groundhog Day again, you know, but like, like that spin on? You know, Groundhog Day. We all know, we’ve seen the movie and whatnot. But you know, like, you can just do fun, playful things like that too. Totally. Yeah, right. Yeah. Yeah. You know, so just, you know, kind of plant, you know, plan that or, you know, maybe in the summer, Oh, God, I just, I mean, God is probably really dangerous. And I probably shouldn’t say this, but you could have like, slip and slide day, you know, and, you know, bubbles on the slip and slide or, you know, make it like a soapy, you know, don’t do that might be too dangerous. But anyway, you know, you can really come up with like, a, you know, in your content can be a how to or, you know, a great activity or, you know, it doesn’t necessarily have to talk about ingredients, or the process that you use to, you know, create. It’s, you know, think of fun, and Koreans all about fun in marketing. So, you know, think about those fun things that you can do. So awesome. So with that, all right, I want to kind of we talked about, like some of the issues and some of the problems. And then we talked about, you know, this process for making it a little bit more easier and fun. So as we kind of just Time flies, what would you say? All right, so let’s look at those like top three tips for product brands that they can do before we close out because I want to make sure people have something actionable and you know, things that are easy to do for them. So your top three tips. Um,



my top three tips are one, figure out the content, the type of content that you love to create. Is it writing a blog post? Is it sending out a newsletter? Is it posting on social media? are you creating videos, selfies, what is it, find that and if you don’t know what it is come up with a handful of different types of content and try them all. And then based on that, come up with your favorite type. The second tip, the second tip is create the content



and it’s so simple.



And then the third tip Share the content.



That’s it. It’s not a hard process. And again, Korean gave you all the you know that for number to create the content, you know, she gave you tips on how to do that, like, you know, have a day pick a day, every month, yeah, to batch your content weekend,



you know, it’s a little hard during a pandemic, but you know, I’ve got, I’ve got I know, entrepreneurs who, you know, because they can, and I’m not suggesting everybody should, but they, you know, take a weekend and they booked themselves into a hotel, and they create all of their marketing, you know, in a weekend. If you can’t do that, plus, it’s a pandemic. So he’s looking down, that maybe just, you know, see if you can just put yourself in a room and just focus on your content for you know, a day for a weekend.



Come up a little risky out of it,



make a little make a list, you know, think of, you know, spy spy on other soap makers on other, you know, I don’t know, leather



crafters, candle makers, you know, whatever your product is,



by play on the other people and see who are who do, you know, great, great, great big business that you aspire to be like, and see what they do. And, you know, get ideas from them like theirs. As long as you’re not like plagiarizing. That’s



no, there’s no plagiarizing in it. And in our world, we call it we have a swipe, file,



swipe, file, perfect. And get a swipe file of all the neat different types of things that they’re doing and talking about and see how it relates to your business in your audience and put your own unique spin on it. But yeah, the three things that I’m going to tell you to do after you listen to this podcast, is sit down and make a list of what type of content you want to create again, is it a blog? Is it a video? Is it social media? Is it a newsletter, actually do the thing, and then tell everybody that you did the thing?



Perfect. And telling everybody you did the thing is just, you know, hey, you know, go on Twitter and say, Hey, I just created this new post here, and here’s the link and read it. Instagram, you know, you do the same thing, wherever you are on social or with your list, or, you know, tell your friends and ask them to tell their friends. You know, that’s what you know, that’s how you get your content out there. And the, you do that often enough. And then your content just it starts to grow. You know, your Your time starts to grow, the interest comes back to you. And I kind of want to say before you know it, but you know, with time, you will start to see that incremental growth. Yeah, let’s put it that way.



That’s, that’s the key term is incremental growth. Yep.



And have fun with it happen. So write have fun, have fun with it, play around with it. It doesn’t have to be dry, boring property sounded, it’s just whatever it is that you feel like playing with play with it. Yeah. And actually, Michael,



would you say be you be you when you do it, like people resonate with that type of content the most is, you know, we’ve all heard ad nauseum the term being authentic. But it really is true that you know, when you’re yourself, when you are having fun, your audience will feel it and they will resonate with it the most.



Absolutely. And as a matter of fact, I’m going to put a little challenge little call to action on this podcast. And I want to have everybody who’s listening to write in the comments right down below, drop in your content, you know, share it with us, and we’ll share it as well, you know, but let’s you know, we can make this a team effort and put things out there for each other. And do that for you know, your friends, have your ask your friends to put it put your content out. But that’s my challenge to you is drop it right in the comments here. And Karina and I are gonna play with you. Yeah, so that’s awesome. Corinne, this is awesome. I am, like I said, ps4 planner is also in the show notes. Because I want people to understand, you know, you have created this incredible book on how to create and plan content and easily come up with ideas. And also just, you know, you know, how well it works for your business. So I’m gonna put that in the show notes as well. So do you have any parting words before we sign off?



Honestly, no,



just like, like we’ve said several times, have fun with it. And just remember that it’s a long game. So that’s why it’s important to have fun with it. And because, you know, the old adage going back to telemarketing, they can hear you smiling on the phone. People can sense if you’re having fun With your content so enjoy.



They can see you smiling in your posts. Yes,



I love it and



that is like the perfect note to close on. I can see a smile and you guys, green thank you so much for joining me. I appreciate it. By everybody and most time on two hands made this.

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