Running Tall
Leaning forward creates movement
Is it uncomfortable? Lil’ bit. But it doesn’t take long to get used to. See, the lean isn’t a make-you-lose-your-balance-and-tumble-to-the-ground-feeling. It’s a slight lean. Just enough to use gravity to keep you moving forward. How to lean forward in businessConnections mean more sales
You have to put yourself in front of people if you want to make sales.
Connecting helps your business grow
Distractions don’t have to take you off course
They happen. The laundry seems to call you away from that landing page you’re writing. The dog needs to go out right in the middle of your Zoom conference call. You need to pitch that ultimate dream client, but “your not enough” pops into your head.
Impostor Complex – bahhhh
When I was writing “your not enough” in distractions above, that nagging voice came over me. Why does it seem to always be there? I’m not good enough. That’s become more of a thing in the past several years. Tanya Geisler did an interview with The Copywriter Club Podcast to set the story straight. There is however, an different way of putting it. Let’s lean forward, shall we? Back in the day (LOL) there was a model called The Four Stages of Competence. When I show you this it will all makes sense.The 4 Levels of Competence
Level 1 – you don’t know what you don’t know…you’re eager and you’ll learn. Level 2 – you know there’s a lot you don’t know. This is the phase where impostor complex works it’s way into your psyche. The thing is…you’re learning and you’re on you’re way to expertise. Give yourself a little slack. In to time you’ll be at … This is where you lean forward! Level 3 – you know that you know your stuff. You may have a few hints of impostor complex showing up, but you can easily push it aside because you’re confident you know what you’re talking about. Level 4 – you just do! You know your stuff so well that you it’s like second nature.Let gravity work in your business
See, there’s really nothing that is holding you back, other than you. Take a look at where you’re stuck. Or have a good heart-to-heart with yourself to determine where you are holding yourself back. Is it that you hate sales? Do you have content to write, but don’t have time? Are you doubting yourself as an expert in your field? What is the ONE thing, the one action, that will help you to stop “running tall” and run your business more efficiently. Do you need the help of a VA? Maybe hiring a content writer will help you with your inbound marketing goals. Or, a coach or professional to help you overcome self-doubt. Then…lean forward.