My Blog
Thoughts, musings and lesson learned in the trenches about conversion copywriting, marketing and tips that grow product-based businesses

Featured Articles

Lead Magnet Ideas for Product Makers and Creative Businesses
The magic to more sales and better customers is in your email list. You have your own community of engaged followers that are so happy to be connected to you, listen to your wisdom and buy your products. You don’t get that anywhere else (at least when it comes to...

When In Doubt…Ask! In this new age of marketing your customers have all the answers.
When it comes to asking for help in business (life too, but that's another article) many think it’s a sign of weakness. "I got this!" The biggest "I got this" is around customers. When listening to clients in our initial conversations, think they “know” their...

Lift Your Conversions With A Connected Customer Experience
Just because you build it, doesn't mean they'll come. Marketing has been heading in the direction of “focusing” on the customer experience to “battling over it.” In a State of Marketing report, two-thirds (68%) of marketing leaders surveyed say their company is...

Latest Posts
To Grow Your Business, You Need an Email Opt-In!
You know what makes me crazy? Almost every time I go to a maker's website, there's a lot of products listed, there's a nice home page image but there is NO way for me to opt-in to their list. I'm not ready to buy anything, because I don't really know the brand. But I...
Do You Get Bogged Down in Blog Post Overwhelm?
"Oh wow, it's Monday morning. Time to write my weekly blog post...again." *sigh* "Hmmm, what am I going to write about? Ya know, I think I need to put in a load of laundry." "I suppose I can write it in 20 minutes, in between phone meetings and production." It's Blog...
Why Your Headline Matters!
What's the first thing that people see when they get your blog post or newsletter? The Headline! Your headline isn't just a title, it's the bait on your line, it's the frosting on your cupcake, it's the seduction. Your headline is what gets seen first. It either...
Are You Sticky or Are You Tacky?
Years ago I was an account manager working for a national electronics distributor - and previous sales positions before that - I wasn't the slickest salesperson, but I was "sticky". I'm not a small talker. I don't do "how's the weather" or "how 'bout them...
The #1 Fear of Most Small Business Owners
I can't get over how many people I've had conversations with that have a big fear I never would have guessed. Encountering an enormous hungry grizzly bear? Dying? No. Public speaking? Not that one either. Marketing! Whah?!? Yes! So many small business owners I...

Let’s have a chat, you and I, shall we?