My Blog
Thoughts, musings and lesson learned in the trenches about conversion copywriting, marketing and tips that grow product-based businesses

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How to optimize your opt-in form for more subscribers
Social media gets most of our attention. But email is where the money is. Since 2012 the average time people spend on social media has increased by more than 62.5%, taking up a significant portion of internet users’ behavior. And while social media is used more now...

What you ought to know about writing attention-grabbing product pages
Product or service pages full of corporate-speak and lifeless features are as likely to convert a visitor into a customer as flies take to vinegar. Take a look at a few well-known brands. Do they grab your attention? Do they entice you to buy? Is the copy...

How to write better copy for your business
I started running when I was a kid… 10 years old actually. I was always running. I was running through the woods. I was running down the block to my friend Lynn’s house. I ran home from school. I raced and beat Dickie Perlman, the fastest boy in fourth grade. I was...

Latest Posts
When Different is Better…and not just different
In the online shopping world, there is one thing that you may notice. There are products EVERYWHERE. Clothes, toys, jewelry, shoes, personal care products, electronics, video games…and the list goes on. What do you notice every time you go online to look for a product...
The Big Marketing Lesson I Learned From A Stand Up Comic
If you’re a maker you love making product! You could make all day! And you probably do… We are makers, we are the “if you build it they will come” kind of people. We love our products! We love them so much that we actually become attached to them. Comedy to...
Why thought-leaders and online business powerhouses hire Hardcore Copywriters.
Businesses are always running marketing campaigns. When it comes to writing copy that not only meets the marketing needs of the company but increases conversions, there are many frustrations hiring managers face. Joanna Wiebe of Copy Hackers wrote an epic post about...
When In Doubt…Ask! In this new age of marketing your customers have all the answers.
When it comes to asking for help in business (life too, but that's another article) many think it’s a sign of weakness. "I got this!" The biggest "I got this" is around customers. When listening to clients in our initial conversations, think they “know” their...
Lift Your Conversions With A Connected Customer Experience
Just because you build it, doesn't mean they'll come. Marketing has been heading in the direction of “focusing” on the customer experience to “battling over it.” In a State of Marketing report, two-thirds (68%) of marketing leaders surveyed say their company is...
The Haunting Marketing Lessons I Learned From Mindhunter
Everything happens for a reason… I truly believe that. I believe that everything is presented to us at a time when we most need it. From teachers to songs, mentors and even from the macabre… I was feeling a little stuck in marketing this week. Working with corporate...

Let’s have a chat, you and I, shall we?