
My Blog

Thoughts, musings and lesson learned in the trenches about conversion copywriting, marketing and tips that grow product-based businesses

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Frustrated trying to get new customers? Try this…

Frustrated trying to get new customers? Try this…

Are you feeling frustrated about getting new clients? Grab a coffee, this is kinda long. Yes, this is how I spend a great deal of my time, mulling over things like this in the middle of the night.  Are you quitting too soon? I see people with awesome brands that quit...

Lead Magnet Ideas for Product Makers and Creative Businesses

Lead Magnet Ideas for Product Makers and Creative Businesses

The magic to more sales and better customers is in your email list. You have your own community of engaged followers that are so happy to be connected to you, listen to your wisdom and buy your products. You don’t get that anywhere else (at least when it comes to...

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Write for your HERO and your copy will never feel salesy

When you turn on the TV or when you check my email, do you expect 90% of the messages to feel salesy. While those messages "work" do you feel more turned off than turned-on by the product offer? Maybe it's because you can spot bullshit a mile away. Maybe it's because...

A Practical Lesson to Overcome Your Online Marketing Fears

I can't tell you how many times I have hear new and rising business owners exclaim "I hate to sell" or "I'm not good at marketing."   The biggest fear, and challenge to get over, is that people don't want to seem pushy and they don't want to piss the people off...

The Art of Writing Product Descriptions That Sell

The Art of Writing Product Descriptions That Sell

How do you write your product descriptions? I don't mean, do you write them on your keyboard or do you write them in a notebook first. Not that kind of "how." I mean, what is your process? Do you write product descriptions rich with features? Are they flowery or...

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