My Blog
Thoughts, musings and lesson learned in the trenches about conversion copywriting, marketing and tips that grow product-based businesses

Featured Articles

Mini Website Copy Review – Body Systems Healthy + Active Apothecary
It’s time for a mini website copy review! As with all mini reviews, I'm going through a website homepage and a product page. In mini reviews I look for a couple of different things. I'll look at the hero section, the opt-in, and how they’re bringing customers...

How to optimize your opt-in form for more subscribers
Social media gets most of our attention. But email is where the money is. Since 2012 the average time people spend on social media has increased by more than 62.5%, taking up a significant portion of internet users’ behavior. And while social media is used more now...

Frustrated trying to get new customers? Try this…
Are you feeling frustrated about getting new clients? Grab a coffee, this is kinda long. Yes, this is how I spend a great deal of my time, mulling over things like this in the middle of the night. Are you quitting too soon? I see people with awesome brands that quit...

Latest Posts
Copywriting Tip: The Rule of One
Your surveys and interviews are done and your VOC data is gathering and organized. You know which copywriting formula your going to use (because copywriters never write from scratch.) Now you’re ready to write...right?! Just a hot second. You’re not quite there yet. ...
What you ought to know about writing attention-grabbing product pages
Product or service pages full of corporate-speak and lifeless features are as likely to convert a visitor into a customer as flies take to vinegar. Take a look at a few well-known brands. Do they grab your attention? Do they entice you to buy? Is the copy...
How to write better copy for your business
I started running when I was a kid… 10 years old actually. I was always running. I was running through the woods. I was running down the block to my friend Lynn’s house. I ran home from school. I raced and beat Dickie Perlman, the fastest boy in fourth grade. I was...
How to create 12 months of content ideas – to add spark to your marketing
Content marketing is a key piece to any business growth. Small businesses with blogs get 126% higher lead growth than small businesses without blogs. But blogs are not the only content that’s turning heads. So many times makers ask “what do I write about“ or I don’t...
Lead Magnet Ideas for Product Makers and Creative Businesses
The magic to more sales and better customers is in your email list. You have your own community of engaged followers that are so happy to be connected to you, listen to your wisdom and buy your products. You don’t get that anywhere else (at least when it comes to...
Your Customer Journey – A roadmap for creating better customer experiences
The time they need you may not be the same time they’re ready to buy. As a creative entrepreneur, your customer’s journey is different than anybody that creates courses, resells products online or markets other services. You start out making products that you’ve taken...

Let’s have a chat, you and I, shall we?