My Blog
Thoughts, musings and lesson learned in the trenches about conversion copywriting, marketing and tips that grow product-based businesses

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What you ought to know about writing attention-grabbing product pages
Product or service pages full of corporate-speak and lifeless features are as likely to convert a visitor into a customer as flies take to vinegar. Take a look at a few well-known brands. Do they grab your attention? Do they entice you to buy? Is the copy...

3 ways to make it as a creative business during the tough times
Will my business make it? How do I market during these times of change? What can I do to grow? I hear these questions a lot lately. My belief is...if you make it you can make it! As I'm looking for ways to help me in my business, I found 3 things I want to share to...

To run your business more efficiently…just Lean Forward
I'm a tall runner. I really noticed during these sweltering summer days that my running feels harder. Like I'm not getting traction. Like I'm working harder, yer running slower. So, I've been trying to get more out of my...

Latest Posts
Is Your Brand Generic? Stop hangin’ with the crowd and get buck naked.
In today's online world you can find website after website of products in the same industry that sound exactly the same. This happens when marketers become lazy with copy in order to rush to get a message to their audience. Or, they have gotten very comfortable with...
A Chicken in Every Pot, A Blog on Every Website
"A chicken in every pot." A phrase claimed to have been part of Herbert Hoover's campaign promises, but actually dates back to King Henry IV of France. The king also said "Je veux qu'il ait si pauvere paysan en mon royaume qu'il n'ait tous les diamaches sa...
The #1 Key to Writing Persuasive Copy – It’s not what you think
Ever read those really great posts that not only draw you in, but make you sign up for their offer, or run down to your nearest Starbucks to try the hot new coffee creation? What makes them so persuasive? Is it the flow if the content? Is it because the writer uses...
A Story Gets More Hits With Your Content – Every Time
With our crowded in boxes, and our overloaded brains, information floods to us from every direction. You want people to see your work, right? You want to make a difference. You want to leave your mark on the world. And, you're tired of hearing crickets! You...
Christine’s Favorite Crafty Content – It’s Saponaceous!
I absolutely LOVE crafty content! There are times when content is ... just content. Then there are times when the words encapsulate you and take you in! Oh, how I love being embraced by witty and creative content that expresses the brand and brings me with it! So, I...
How To Fail Miserably and Walk Away Laughing
On Tuesday 4/19, I stepped out of my content marketing comfort zone and added a new media/platform to use to reach my audience. What is it? Periscope Now, I don't love doing video - I feel self-conscious - but, I know it's such a good way...

Let’s have a chat, you and I, shall we?